This Form is designed to be your "one step" for church event planning. Please make sure your form is complete before submitting for pastor's approval. The deadline for form submission is at least 2 weeks prior to your proposed event.
Every Event proposal submission form must be completed by an AOLT/C active church member in good standing and he/she must have completed Connect Track (Growth Track) prior to the proposed event date. Classes are available in person on select dates see Calendar @ Calendar | Aoltab (anchoroflifechurch.org) or through email and phone meetings . Please contact Communications Director Pastor Christina Dingle for assistance @
pastorchristinaaolc@gmail.com. Every proposed event must not conflict with any other previously scheduled church event and it must line up directly with the vision and movement of AOLT/C. Check Calendar @ Calendar | Aoltab (anchoroflifechurch.org)
The Pastors of AOLT/C will look over your proposed event planning and request form thoroughly. You may be contacted for further information. In some cases, your event may have to be modified and/or event dates and times may need to be changed in this case you will be given a conditional approval, if conditions are met within requested time frame your event will be approved.
You will be notified of your approval outcome within 10 business days of your request.
Thank you for submitting!