Send The Water Walkers to Nationals 2022
Pentecostal Church of God National Talent Expo & Summerfest 2022, Joplin MO

Please help us send 10 talented deserving youth and their leaders to the annual PCG National Talent Expo and Summerfest in Joplin MO.
Our team has been qualified to compete in 48 talent entries.
The youth will be showcasing their talents on the big stage in a professional venue in front of a large audience in Joplin MO.
Many of the youth competing would not have this opportunity without the generosity and support of others.
Our Team must raise $15,000 by June 17th, 2022, for transportation (fuel), lodging and Food.
Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation of any amount -
When giving please mark for youth!

Our Story
When giving please mark for youth!
Each year the youth of Anchor of Life Tabernacle are given an opportunity to develop their various talents while preparing for the sectional and district talent competition with a chance of placing high enough to compete on a National/Global level. They each work very hard preparing to present their various talents which includes public speaking, graphic design, photography, acting, comedy, dancing, singing, art, dimensional art and writing. This opportunity serves as a great team builder, helps develop each youth's skills for future success, gives them an opportunity to connect with likeminded youth as well as a chance to travel. Many students would not have an opportunity to be taught by coaches, embrace a state-of-the-art stage, preform in front of a large audience or travel if it weren't for this opportunity. The Water Walkers are known across the nation for presenting outstanding talent. They have placed 1st in multiple categories since they began competing, they have broken many records such as the most talent entries and the most wins from any one church.
This year our team will be show casing 48 talent entries.
Since it’s beginning in 1987, the National Teen Talent Expo has been one of the fastest growing ministries of the Youth Department. The National Talent Expo has been the vehicle for teens to develop their talents toward their full potential for Christ.
The purpose of NTE is to:
To involve PCG youth in developing abilities and talents for the glory of God.
To motivate teenagers to utilize their abilities in the ministries of the PCG.
To provide evaluative data on performances which may serve as a guide for development of talents and skills for the glory of God.
To motivate teenagers to develop their personal relationship with God.
To provide opportunities for teenagers to develop relationships with other youth in the PCG.
Every year in the fall, hundreds of teens and kids from all across America begin to prepare themselves to compete in District Talent Expos, hoping for the chance to compete in the National Talent Expo. Through the opportunity presented by the National Talent Expo, students discover and develop their God-given talents, and learn how to use them to make an impact in the world in which we live. Through NTE, students will dedicate themselves to endless hours of preparation, writing, sculpting, developing and practice to use their talents for His glory.
Discover your gifts, develop them, and then use them to change our world for Christ!
The National Talent Expo is for students ages 6-19 years old, with ages 6-12 competing in the Kids Talent Expo and ages 13-19 competing in the Teen Talent Expo. For more information on NTE please download our most current version of rules & guidelines.
When giving please mark for youth!
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